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No two skins are the same

No two skins are alike. Just because your friends skin responds well to a certain product or a blogger suggests a particular moisturiser is her best friend doesn't mean it will be good for you.

Unfortunately a one size fits all category for skin can be problematic. I read a few comments on a beauty therapy page today where a group of therapists were attempting to help someone with a skin issue and a few times I read 'my friend had that and used...'

While its great we want to help, I was surprised as there are so many factors that come into why skin conditions occur: Health and wellbeing, diet, skincare, ingredients, exercise, alcohol and water intake, your ability to absorb nutrients from your diet and the list goes on. I know one of my friends skin won't tolerate too much vitamin c while mine laps it up, another's skin is so oily my hydrating moisturiser would block it up no matter how much they love the smell.

When you begin to age you automatically think I'll buy that cream because it's for aging skin often that means it has more nourishing ingredients which for some will create little hard white lumps under the skin and won't treat those hormonal breakouts.

The latest product out might be expensive so you get it because it must be good - what ingredients are in it? what do they do? What percentage of ingredients are in the bottle? The higher percentage of ingredients affects how quickly you get results or can irritate your skin.

Buying products over the Internet might mean you save a few dollars but has your skin changed since your last consultation and is that product still ok for your skin? Or was it ever ok? Do you know how often you should use products with higher percentages of retinol or benzoyl peroxide?

I recommend talking to your beauty therapist if you have any concerns about your skin or wish to learn more about why you break out or why your skin is congested, overly dry or dehydrated. A thorough consultation will identify what is happening on the inside as well as on the outside.
Book your consultation today by clicking here. We look forward to personalising your skincare prescription.


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