Skin Needling Treatment
How does it work?
Our Skin Needling Treatment creates outstanding results with innovative German designed technology EXCEED.
This is new minimally invasive skin rejuvenation treatment is designed to improve the appearance of fine lines, and wrinkles, acne, pigmentation as well as scars on the face and body.
A series of six treatments improves your skin by inducing the increased production of collagen, facilitating natural repair and growth, improving skin tone and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and scarring is reduced.
Results can usually be seen around 4-5 weeks following treatments.
To find out if this treatment is suitable for you please call us on +64 (06) 845 0957 or email
+64 (06) 845 0957
33 Lee Road, Taradale, Napier
(4 Square Carpark on Lee Road)